Chrome OS Gmail to Gdrive, How?


The Image Stimulator
The Netherlands
Hi there,

How to put gmail messages into gdrive?

I'm working on a chomebook computer now instead of a windows machine.

Any advice or replies are welcome, thanks in advance.

Best regards, Herman
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your reply. I wanna store all documents (pdf, xcel, mail, etc) in a folder at gdrive.
(for easy access, all relevant info at one place)
Is it impossible to move email messages to gdrive?
No additional security in Google Drive versus Google Mail. For starters, it's the same exact credentials usually - although you could set up a separate Google identify strictly for the purposes of segregating your Google Drive from Google Mail, but that complicates matters on the Chromebook because it's optimized to work off a single identity.
Gdrive supports encryption, gmail does not, right?

Yes, Google is responding to several environmental factors - not the least of which is government subpeonas - and automatically encrypting new files uploaded to Drive. Not sure about old files, but if you have the opportunity, the easiest approach is to probably download everything temporarily, delete all copies on Google Drive, then re-upload. Theoretically, you're resetting the encryption flag as the system should treat all files at that point as "new" and encrypt accordingly.

As for G-mail, the mails themselves should now ALSO be encrypted. In Q1 2014, Google announced they would encrypt end-to-end in Gmail, so even the mails being moved around in the server storage and data centers would be encrypted.

That being said, ALL your security on both platforms is directly tied to how good your Google password is and how secure you're keeping it. Since you've moved to a Chromebook, the security of that hardware is now pre-eminent. To guard against it's loss, either accidental or otherwise, may I suggest the following article?

Secure your Google account with a little 2-step shuffle
Thanks Armando for your reply.
I will read the article.
How to download my gmail messages and keep them safe?
Do you rate minilock from kobeissi secure?
Hi Herman,

No experience with Minilock or with third-party encryption on cloud-based e-mail. My 2 cents - adding extra encryption to an already encrypted product doesn't buy you much more security. Here's why:

Each user on a Chromebook is allocated their own encrypted space for files. There isn't an explicit concept of a super-user such as an Administrator (in the Windows model) where that elevated account can gain access to all files on the machine. If you cannot login as that person, you effectively cannot see their files, even if you ripped out the drive and tried to dissect it using forensic tools.

If the attacker/hacker can access the files on your Chromebook, they can get to your files on Drive and GMail because it's the same username and password for all three. If they can't read your archive files on the Chromebook, then they can simply launch a browser and get to the online copies.

So the real security here is two-fold - 1. make sure you have a strong password and consider changing it on a regular basis if you suspect you've been compromised somewhere; 2. think about using Google Authenticator as a means of off-setting any unauthorized changes to your account.

Hope this helps.