Panasonic Spring is on it's way at last!! LX7 Crocus.

the weather's glorious on this side of the little pond (North Sea) too, plants are coming to life all over the place. Great photo, I really like crocuses for their hardiness and the announcement of Spring they bring :)

It was in the 80'sF on Saturday, been dropping to the lower 70's. Absolutely wonderful here, but rain is suposed to hit tomorrow. Over the past month been picking up and planting bits and pieces for the veggie garden. This week finally got enough growth of lettuce, spinach, peppers and cabbage for clipping into salads. Citrus has been on the bountiful side, been giving away bags of oranges and lemons and the strawberries are about to turn red. This rain is scheduled to make a snow drop in the mountains, so maybe I'll zip up for some snow shots after work.
